Belize is a relatively small country (9000 square miles) and has 6 districts. Each district is distinguished by its own character and flavor. You may already have an area in mind or just want to explore the options available to you.

I can help hone your search for which of these districts will appeal to you most and give you the best of my experiences living in Belize and other good people to speak with.

It is of course important to see for yourself. I can combine your vacation with nest hunting so you get a feel for all Belize has to offer. You might want to consider long term rentals in the areas you are serious about.

However you want to go about it, I’m here to help with all kinds of valuable information, including immigration, recreational activities, hobbies, medical, social life, organizations, real estate, politics, religion, as well as bringing household goods, vehicles and pets into Belize.

Belize is a developing stable nation with many different amiable ethnic groups. You are sure to find a place somewhere in Belize you can one day call home.

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